Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month is in MAY.

FAKE News!Can you Tell The REAL News?

Rachel Carson, A Reader's Theater Script

Arbor Day, A Webquest(Arbor Day, 4/26/2024)

A Bundle of Reader's Theater Scripts on Famous Women

History of Pretzels(Pretzel Day is 4/26)

William Shakespeare,a Reader's Theater Script(Birthday 4/23)

A Bundle of Readings on Famous Women

Ada Lovelace, First Computer Programmer(A Reading)

History of Candy, A Webquest!

Mesopotamia: A Bundle of Resources

Phoenicians, A Bundle of Resources

ALL Things Egyptian!

Revolutionary War Bundle

Civil War Bundle

Learn About Our Government Bundle

Writers: A Bundle of Reader's Theater Scripts

STEM BIographies! 6 Reader's Theater Scripts

STEM BIOGRAPHIES, Reader's Theater Scripts (Part 2)

Everything has a History!)*also sold individually

Civics:Learn about Our Government: A Bundle of Resources!

U.S. Landmarks!

World Landmarks!

My Book- Fashion Rules!

My Book-Mrs. Paddington and the Silver Mousetraps

Reader's Theater Scripts(Biographies in Ancient History):

Click here to learn more:Reader's Theater Scripts (Biographies in US History)


Is That FAKE News?

Anti-Bullying Resources

Need a quick activity?
Bell Ringers!

In the News!
Updated regularly

Mrs. Portulaca Purpilopilis

and the Purple Adventure Goggles


The Wooden Cookie Box Story The Wooden Cookie Box

DBQ Activities!

Facts to Wow your Friends!

World Landmarks: Lots of fun things to use with your students!

Teaching Ideas!


Geography Activities

Geography Ideas!

Purpleannie's Travels

Crossword Puzzles!

Short Reads of interest

Dive into Career Choices

Teaching Tips A-Z

Mrs. Waffenschmidt
Science Fun!




Landmarks from Around the World

Calender of Resources for the Year:

Mail Gail:
Mailbox Gail Hennessey

The official U.S. time - snapshot

Age of Discovery Webquest

There were many explorers during the Age of Exploration(1400-1700), a time when many people explored the planet by boat. At the time, most people believed the earth was flat and that the planet did not move. It was also believed that the sun and stars revolved around the Earth. It was also thought that there was one large ocean that surrounded the three known land masses-Asia, Europe and Africa. Early explorers were very brave as as they sailed intomostly uncharted territory. There were many real dangers such as running out of food and water before reaching land, drowning and getting lost and never returning home.Many people of the time believed the ocean was filled with sea monsters. People also thought there was a burning furnace in the ocean that would set ships ablaze and that there was a giant magnet in the ocean that would pull nails from the hull of a ship! Get your compass and astrolabe, pack your bag and let's explore the Age of Exploration.

1. When Columbus arrived in the area of Cuba, he discovered natives using "hammocks". He really liked the idea and thought it would work great for sailors aboard ships. What do you think were two fears of the crew on the 1492 voyage?____________ and ______________Why did the crew almost mutiny against Columbus?________________Which country funded Columbus' voyages?__________What did Columbus bring to the "New World" on his second voyage?________ Find the answers at this link: Ducksters

2. Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan left in 1519, with five ships and 270 men, on a voyage to sail around the world. Funded by the Spanish King,Charles 1st, the ships sailed westward from Seville, Spain, across the Atlantic Ocean to South America. After much searching, a passage was located that could take the ships around the continent of South America. The strait, later called the Strait of Magellan, eventually got Magellan and crew through to the Pacific Ocean.Why did Magellan choose the name of the Pacific for the ocean?________________________ Describe three things about the conditions on the ships.______________ ___________ ________________ Although Magellan didn't complete the voyage to "circumnavigate the world" as he was killed by natives on the island of the Philippines, how many ships and men DID survived the trip around the world, that returned in 1522?_____________________________What did sailor Antonio Pigafetta do that was very important in history?________________Find the answers at this link:Ducksters

3. First developed by the Portuguese, the caravel was a light sailing ship that became very popular as the ship of choice during the Age of Discovery. What was it able to do better than other ships?____________________What was the most number of sails a caravel had?_____How did the caravel get its name?_____________________Find the answers at this link:Caravel

4. Portugal was the first European country to go exploring._______________The only land in the New World which this country claimed for their own was Brazil. State three main reasons for the Age of Exploration._______________ _______________ _________Name the THREE powerful countries that became very wealthy during the Age of Exploration.___________ ___________ ____________. Find the answers at this link: Ducksters

5. Although Prince Henry the Navigator was very important during the beginning of the Age of Discovery, what didn't he ever really do?___________________What TWO important things did Prince Henry do to help the "Age of Discovery"?___________________ and______________ What did Prince Henry own that was unusual for the time?_________What was the belief about the world that many people believed at this time?______________Find the answers at this link: MrDowling

NOTE: ClipArt